YOu didn;t say how many square feet of flooring is involved. For a small amount, the methods others have posted would be OK.
For say 120SF, you can buy acetone and have it removed. You must have very good ventilation to use this as the fumes build up. I just completed 5000SF of flooring that way last month. We tried many different products and that ended up working the best.
Lots of rags and acetone was the best for us.
You'll still need to refinish the wood floor no matter how you remove it... It will be a mess. But refinishing is pretty easy. We did it ourselves.
Good luck.What could I use to remove the sticky adhesive from the back of an old carpet pad? Hardwood floors underneath
Thank You all very much for your answers....
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I think we might try the Mineral Spirits.... but, Thank you all again....
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spray a bit of WD-40 (won't harm floor) and gently scrape with a putty knife wiping up excess as you go. It will be a slow process, but have faith
Isopropyl Alcohol is a good adhesive remover
Sand it. You'll need to sand it to refinish it anyway.
Mineral spirits period. Acetone will remove the finish as well as lacquer thinner.
First go to a hardward store, Im sure they can find something to remove the adhesive without damageing the carpet. What about the stuff that removers stickers from your newly pots and pans. And orange citrus base product. Check out Simply Green?? Not sure on that one. Good luck
It will come off the floor easier than it will the carpet. I would just cover the sticky on the rug with masking tape and leave it. Find some kind of Goo be Gone for the floor. m
The easiest way to remove any adhesive is with lighter fluid. That stuff will take the sticky off a glue stick.
Take a paper towel and soak it with lighter fluid. Then hold it over a sticky spot and let it sit for a moment. Then remove it after a minute and take a sponge or a scrub brush to it. Gasoline also works well. (Note to self, don't light it on fire!!!! LOL)
Worst case scenario, Goo gone or WD40 are great too.
Goo B Gone
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