Friday, February 26, 2010

Whats best to remove spray adhesive from laminate flooring?

my other half forgot to put down newspaper before doing an art project and now i cant get the spray adhesive off my floor! ive tried soapy water, antibacterial spray, wood floor cleaners but the floor is still sticky! any suggestions?Whats best to remove spray adhesive from laminate flooring?
Try a dab of white spiritWhats best to remove spray adhesive from laminate flooring?
Nail polish remover and a rag. Do it quickly or the acetone will eat into the laminate flooring.
Goo Gone removes sticky residue
This stuff called Stains r out! from QVC removes the problem without causing any damage to surface. It even gets scratches and foreign paint off your car without any damage. Its great. Takes Spag bol stains out, chocolate, coffee, tomato, wine etc.
Goo-Gone is the best!
viengar and water ret it several times
i have used wd40 on stuff like that, and also rubbing alcohol,

spray the wd40 over the area and use a scotch brite pad to rub it in and around, it will feel like its getting slimey, by this you know its working, the wd40 has an oil base so to clean it off you will have to use a good soap like Dawn or 409 cleaner, then rinse,

if however that dont work, have you ever used the alcohol to get really sticky stickers off stuff you buy?

use the same method with the alcohol as i said with the WD40,

one or the other should work

but you may have to go to a hardware store where they sell adhesives and get an adhesive remover,

hope these tips help

Goo be gone

you can buy it just about anywhere!

it works on tons of stuff too like tape/sticker residue, ';unknown'; kids messes, gum
i have taken sticky off glass shoes new with brasso use very sparingly and only remove sticky top. It works very well
Try fingernail polish remover, isopropyl alcohol, or Goo-Gone.

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