The first suggestion is to use boiling water. Lay some old towels or rags over a portion of the floor, then pour boiling water onto the rags. Let the water soak into the glue for several minutes. Once the water has cooled a bit, try wiping up the glue with the rags. You might have to do this several times, using rubber gloves and working on your hands and knees. Use enough water to soak the glue. Wipe up any excess water as quickly as possible and allow the floor to dry thoroughly before sanding.
If the water softens but does not dissolve the glue, try scraping it off with a paint scraper. Work carefully so as not to scratch or gouge the floor.
If water doesn't work, try using mineral spirits. Since your glue is dark, almost black, I suspect it is tar-based, and mineral spirits should do the trick. However, I'd expect a living room floor to need quite a bit of mineral spirits. It's relatively inexpensive-$2 to $3 a gallon. I'd start with at least three gallons.
When using mineral spirits, be sure you have some windows open and a fan going. It has a harsh odor, and you want to work with proper ventilation. (Acetone, lacquer thinner or paint thinner might be used, too. They are available at paint stores.)
You also might try good old sandpaper on a dry floor. Use a coarse grade (12 to 20 grit paper is extremely coarse) and sand with the grain. If the glue is hard, it should sand away easily. Depending on the size of the floor, it might get dusty and messy. A shop vac will work well for cleaning up.
After sanding with coarse paper, you'll have to use a fine-grit paper to get the floor smooth. Since you plan on sanding and refinishing anyway, you won't be adding much more work. Hand-sand first, though, with the heavy- grit paper. Using a power sander on the glue will likely gum up the sanding belt.
As for harsh chemicals, I'd make that a last resort. You can find several types of chemical removers at stores that specialize in flooring materials. (Check the phone book.) Be sure to read the manufacturer's directions before you start.
If none of these steps work, you can try removing the glue with a heat gun, available from a tool rental shop. It looks like a blow dryer; however, it delivers intense heat and can scorch the wood if you aren't careful. I'd resort to the heat gun after all other attempts fail. It's my guess you won't need the gun.
If you are successful with water or mineral spirits, be sure to let the floor dry completely before sanding and applying a finish.
Regardless of the solution you come up with, most of this work has to be done on hands and knees. You can buy an inexpensive set of knee pads at a home center or hardware store, or use those foam pads common in home gardening. They'll save wear and tear on your knees.I have a problem. I got a very stick adhesive on my newly finished wood floor. Anyone know how to get it off?
WOW I posted this question and hated your answer I said in the question I didn't want to scratch the floor or take the varnish off you suggested sanding the glue and using mineral spirits. I also never said the glue was black or tar based so I don't know where your coming from with that.
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Goo-Gone works...I've had many people do the same thing and Goo-Gone has worked every time...just make sure you test in an inconspicuous place first.
when we had our wood floor installed,the layer told me to use vinegar on any glue marks i found.
Try Goo-Goo gone in a small spot first. It should remove the paper and glue without damaging the floor.
Maybe try a hairdryer and see if that loosens it enough that you could carefully scrape it off. Other than that, sanding is probably the only way. It really depends on the type of glue - elmer's would be a lot easier to remove than say super glue.
Goo-gone is a wonderful product--we have gotten old adhesive out of carpet with it, but I haven't used it on wood floors. Just read the back to see if it is compatible with the
Dissolve-It is a non-toxic product available for about $3 at Walmart in the cleaning products isle. It should do the trick! There are other products similar like Goo Gone. I like the Dissolve-It because it also effortlessly takes blue bubble gum out of white carpet, LOL!
GOOF-OFF, or, STICK-OFF. Both are great and safe for wood. For best results let the product set for a few seconds then rub with a couple of your fingers wrapped in a soft cloth in a CIRCULAR motion. (small circles are best).
WD40 thats it thats all you need
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